Pregnancy Tips: Getting Rid of Nausea


Nausea is certainly one of the most common symptom a pregnant woman will experience during her early stage of gestation. On the other hand, there are some instances wherein nausea will continue up to the 7th month of gestation


You can control your nausea through your food intake according to experts from a babycenter. It is advisable that during gestation, a pregnant woman should only take in 80 to 100 grams of protein daily. In addition, she should not eat too much junk food or oil or if possible, avoid the intake of these foods.


It may sound strange, but this is certainly true. Protein is the solution to nausea during gestation. You will start to notice that once you increase your intake of protein, all your nauseous acts will start to vanish.


This is one of the most vital pregnancy week by week tips that you must consider because it will not only help you control your nausea but this is also beneficial to the baby.


During gestation, fluctuation in the levels of hormones is normal. And because of this, the person starts to become nauseated and would try all means to get rid of it.


It would be wise if the pregnant woman would start changing her diet by means of adding more soybeans, cow milk, chicken, egg white, cheese cottage and so forth to her diet schedule.


Some of the most common sources of protein are the following:

Egg white - has 4 grams of protein per egg

Cow's milk - at least 8g per cup

Turkey or chicken - just about 40g per cup

Beef and pork - about25g per 3 ounces

Fish - 30 to 35g fillet

Soybeans - about 30g per cup

Couscous - about 20g per cup

Lima beans - 10g every cup

Baked beans - about 15g every cup

Trail mix - 20g every cup

Long grain white rice - 13g every cup

Yogurt - 10g every cup


In addition, boiled black chickpeas are also good source of protein. You can prepare them in soup or in any menus you would want.


Keeping tail mix, peanuts and almonds will always be great if you are nauseated and would want to vomit. Eating just a handful of peanuts will help you alleviate your condition.


It is always best if you obtain right amount of protein from healthy sources, but be sure that you don't consume too much protein because this can also be bad for your health. And to make sure that you don't eat too much of it, ask your physician on the recommended serving daily and if it can be adjusted to alleviate your nausea.